Thursday, April 16, 2009

Big breasts are "inappropriate detail" says ITV

ITV has suddenly gone all prudish. I watched Britain's Got Talent on Saturday with my daughter. I have to say that, at first, I thought those Union Jack squares on her ample chest were part of the act. I then thought Piers Morgan's goggle eyes, however, suggested something else. I realised later this was the producer's version of the pixilated face.

Fabia Carrera's act was very comical, very entertaining and she could sing passably. Looking again at the scene on ITV Player, it is rather tame. If 40 people want to complain because they are "feeling" for the audience in the theatre then altruism is really in the stratisphere. There was nothing the viewer saw that could possibly alarm the cat, let alone an ITV viewer!

So we get a sickly statement from ITV about "inappropriate detail". Ofcom is examining the show to see if a full investigation is needed. Don't waste your time! There are far more serious problems to sort out.

As I say, I watched this show. I get the impression that the performers are the ones that need bucket loads of praise just for going on. The audience is whipped up to a frenzy. The judges are a trio of egotists with brittle personalities. Simon Cowell has made a fortune from this despite his cynicism. He nearly buzzed the Greek dancing act and tried, with singular lack of humour, to suggest he always thought they were good. He was very trite with the young clown from Glasgow saying that nobody liked clowns. That's arrant nonsense and I hope she saw it as such. Susan Boyle stunned the audience but not before they were pictured mocking her. At least Amanda Holden owned up to her own preconceived notions. Susan Boyle may yet win. Talent is usually skin deep on ITV, but she is going to prove that talent has nothing much to do with the outer appearance.

Britain has got talent and it is the determined that will get past the acerbic remarks to succeed. As for big breasts bothering people, well, how about the ITV bigwigs taking a stroll round London on a warm sunny day. You'll see more on show than Fabia Carrera's charms!

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