Friday, February 13, 2009


When Barack Obama sat in that cafe in Chicago and one of his aides suggested the presidency might be something to aim for, I wonder if he ever thought about where he actually was. The cafe, that is. Because it would appear that now he is president, more people in the world are bothering about what he does privately than what he does publicly. I don't mean in any prurient way, just which hamburger he likes best, that sort of thing.

I write this because I was just sitting looking out of the window mulling over how he might be getting on. Then I got thinking about Bush and his father and that George senior didn't like broccoli even though Barbara tried her best. So what does Obama like or dislike? I shouldn't have been surprised. The whole of the internet is just like me! I found this site which is all about his food habits. There are thousands more like it.

Obama will leave the presidency with more written about him than any person alive, of that I have no doubt. Does he like goldfish? I googled and got this! I reckon you can google any two words, one of which must be Obama and I bet you somebody has something on it.

Kind of scary, isn't it? Here are some -

Obama Cheesecake, Obama Horses, Obama Cats, Obama Sneakers, Obama Bulls!

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