Saturday, February 28, 2009

90 year old takes to the road on a mobility scooter!

Shocked drivers spotted 90 year old Stanley Murphy trundling along at 3mph while cars and lorries sped past at up to 70mph on the six-lane A27 at Shoreham, West Sussex. A bit like Road Runner on Valium! Police said "he was obviously confused and it is unlikely we would take any further action". This remark got be thinking. There are so many confused people today. Plenty of them running the country.

Sir Fred Goodwin is morally confused and won't be taking any further action.
Lord Mandelson is LDV confused and won't be taking any further action.
Lord Myners is actuarily confused and won't be taking any further action (because he can't!).
Gordon Brown is cerebrally confused and won't be taking any further action with regard to an admission of Credit Crunching.
David Miliband is also severely confused regarding extraordinary renditions or as someone put is so well, tourism for terrorists. He is desperately trying to take no further action.

I could go on. The list is full of characters who are confused, driving up the wrong road, whilst we all see the impending obstacles and crashes. Surely there should be some way to get those causing the problem to be changed with those who know how to cure the problem. Or is that a fantasy? Am I confused? Of course, the only sane people are the government ministers who see no problem in pouring money into companies without asking questions. So let's carry on with it all!

Robert Peston said it was all mindboggling. It is. But surely we can't have people with boggled minds running the country. If you had Gordon Brown and Stanley Murphy in a bag and you pulled Mr. Murphy out to be Prime Minister, would we see any difference? I think we might. He's a retired builder. What we've currently got is a retired banker squabbling with a soon-to-be retired government minister. Both are actively demolishing the good name of this country.

So I'd put the builder before the demolition gang any day!

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