Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama in Guantanamo rear gear shift!

When Barack Obama became president he said he would tackle the issue of Guantanomo Bay. This Cuban-based concentration camp has been just a playground for the sadistic and the purveyors of petty punishments. Humiliation is top of the list. Decent lads are taken into the US Army, trained up to be "fighters", given top level BS about patriotism and let loose to sort out the best ways to tackle the enemy. What they haven't been told is that most of the inmates were scooped off the Afghan plains, sold for a grand to the US Army by slippery sorts, then extraordinarily rendered to end up in this hellhole.

George Bush and Dick Cheney have buggered off. Leaving their corrupted ideals behind them. Obama was giving us the impression he'd clean up this act. Apparently not. Nobody is going to be held to account for the barbarity committed in our names. Obama and the Canadian PM shirked the issue when they met. Our own Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, is in denial. I would have thought of all people, a Jew, he would have wanted to get to the truth of such barbarity. But apparently not.

Inmates have been mentally abused, hung upside down with electricity placed on their genitals in "rendered" rendevouz around the world. By the time they got to Guantanamo Bay, they were like electrified squirrels. The list of disgusting torture goes on. I'd expect that as par for the course from a tyrant like Saddam Hussein. Robert Mugabe has had his eyes and ears diverted whilst the screaming took place. But our own Western democratic leaders? Are they capable of turning a deaf ear? Sounds like they are. And whilst this torture is carrying on, Osama Bin Laden is still at large. Says a lot for the War on Terror!

The truth is trickling out. Those foot soldiers in Guantanamo Bay are speaking out. They are ashamed of what they were asked to do, what they were goaded into doing by fanatical superiors. George Bush talked a lot of crap when he was in office, but I took him for a decent guy deep down. Barack Obama is a decent guy, but it's the shaven-headed military macho types that are poisoning the well. We have Jekyll and Hyde politicians these days. I do hope Obama sees his Mr.Hide and gives him his marching orders.

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