Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clegg in their sights - Rag, Tag & Bobtail!

I've made my own mind up about the LibDems immigration policy. I don't think it will work. And I think I could have a very constructive debate about it. But that seems to have passed the minds of the Daily Express and Daily Mail journalists by. They are just out to dig the dirt and then dish it out like a drunken seed broadcaster fighting off the gulls and the pigeons.

Nick Clegg's opinions on immigration, Trident and the rest, won't be trounced by the mindless rantings of a pornographer's paper. This very same rag that announced on 1st September 1939 that there would be no war. The very same outfit that told the world they had found Martin Bormann alive and well. Left to the Daily Express to fight the Nazis and we would all be in some frightful empire by now. The Daily Express is a paper I advise people never to read unless they want to turn into some BNP-lite opinion former.

The Daily Mail is more subtle but still rather devoid of reasoned opinion at times. Paul Dacre, the editor, is a man who guards his own privacy in much the same way as a cornered tiger would. But give loose-worded reporting a go and he's your man.

As I mentioned before, crazed reporting aimed at whipping up people to vote against the LibDems is bound to backfire. Reasoned argument should win the day. The Express has dug up an article Clegg wrote in 2002. They must be desperate. In it he said Britons have a greater “cross to bear” than the Germans do over their Nazi past. Then an Express reporter rings up Nicholas Soames, "wadya think of Clegg and his Nazi stuff, Mr.Soames?", and getsSoames to say, “Any person who takes this view about Britain’s role in the Second World War is unfit to lead a national party, let alone the country.”

Of course it's all twisted around to suit the pornographer's paper and his views. What Nick Clegg wrote all those years ago does actually have some validity. This was not about anything DURING the second world war but about us, the British, in the 21st century. Yes, there are lot's who are Little Englanders. I'll give you an example. When BMW took over Rover, the Germans had to endure such comments as, "my grandfather always said that the best Krauts were dead Krauts" and such like. It was just as if the war was only a couple of days old.

The Daily Express may like to think there are no wrongs in this country. They may like to confuse the likes of Nicholas Soames into agreeing with their BNP-lite propaganda, but I find it all rather offensive. We keep hearing of the need for a proper and reasoned debate. I hope I hear that tonight. But I am dead certain I don't want the Daily Express pandering to the lowest common denominator in the process.

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