Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another poncy Labour reaction!

Lempit Opik - Estonia's and Wales' finest!Nick Colbourne, who is standing in Montgomeryshire as the Labour candidate, has said he will not share a platform with the National Front (NF) at a debate for the parties in a Powys church. He refused to attend Thursday's event with "an extremist political party" saying, "I will not take part in an event that affords an airing for an extremist political party to take a completely opposite standpoint and air those views to a wider audience". So all he does is make himself look like a pompous self-righteous prat.

The people of Montgomeryshire won't be voting for this paragon of supposed political virtue. They'll probably keep their allegiance with a man who is not afraid of debating with his opponents and many times trouncing them. I'm sure Lembit Opik could wipe the floor with the NF, but I expect he will just expose their totalitarian views in exemplary fashion. He says, "Firstly, I take very seriously the importance of the church-organised event - they're always superbly well managed and raise important ethical and topical issues. Secondly, I've always said that the key to addressing these matters is to engage in proper dialogue about them. It's no good staying away just because you find the attitudes of these groupings distasteful. Ignoring them is a failed strategy, and not one I subscribe to. As we've seen with the British National Party, it's a lot better to actually have the discussion and look at the facts of the issues rather than pretending that doing nothing will simply mean they'll 'go away."

"Ignoring them is a failed strategy". Absolutely! Not only that, it allows them to appear martyred. Anyway, I don't suppose Mr.Colbourne's got much to say. Best all round he stays at home with his feet up.

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