Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Times man prepares for shock BNP victory!

Tim Hames writing in The Times today is contemplating the thought of the BNP gaining seats on the London Assembly. His reasons for this possibility are valid, that the BNP is better organised despite fratricidal outbursts, and that there are no Euro Elections to encourage support for UKIP. I'd be a bit bolder, though.

The nine months or so that Gordon Brown has been at the helm have seen issue after issue that the BNP can exploit. Because Brown and his gang have signally failed to deliver, and the two main opposition parties continue to speak mainly in soundbites, the BNP is able to benefit, albeit in certain areas.

They know how to raise fears over immigration, they can mention dodgy bankers, no jobs for whites, housing hard to get, people losing their homes, etc. All posed in simple but stark terms. Yes we have dodgy bankers, but they don't control immigration. Yes, we have mortgage foreclosures (not repossessions, please!), but this is not the fault of bad employers. The issues and the solving of problems are blurred and fudged.

New Labour cannot bring themselves to talk about or to the BNP. They don't confront them, they hide from them, in a poncy head-in-the-clouds superior way. So, because of their mistakes, the BNP is allowed to profit from embellishing the truth. A sort of spin in reverse.

We shall see what happens, but I feel that come May 1st, New Labour will have to get a grip, otherwise we may see polarisation for no apparent reason!

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