Robert's Rules of Order are no good in the Republican Party. Mugabe's Rules of Order (watered down version) more likely. So the Republican Party cracks down on Ron Paul activists. The Missouri GOP is determined that nothing will stop John McCain getting all 58 of Missouri's delegates. Ron Paul activists marched into the cafeteria of Kirkwood High School on Saturday to attend a meeting. Don Griffin is a conservative Republican activist and Paul supporter. However, according to convention chairman Rich Magee, "These are not Republicans, in my opinion." A stand-off ensued, with Griffin shouting, "It was a ramrod job!'', as he was denied proper access to the cafeteria. Angry Paul allies were escorted out shortly after the meeting began.
Brent Stafford, the pro-Paul chairman of the ousted St. Charles delegate bloc, said some old-guard Republicans misunderstand his side's motivation. "We're trying to return the Republican Party to its conservative roots'', he said. What people like Rich Magee should consider is that politics in America is pretty well played with a hard ball approach. If you want your say, you're expected to toe the line of the majority or just shout at the four walls of your kitchen. He should ask himself if that is democracy.
Ron Paul's revolution is about a
fairer democracy. With this cafeteria cook-up, it seems America has a long way to go.
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