Sunday, April 20, 2008

Political correctness breaks out in Bradford (again!)

Bradford Police in West Yorkshire have had a double dose of political correctness come their way. It seems they can't abide anything English. The gobbledegook stuff they come up with is "health and safety" when they succeeded in banning a St.George's Day parade. The mean-spirited plods, who were in collusion with the council chiefs (a bunch of ne'er-do-well plonkers), just rabbitted on about this one issue. Shame on them. Why don't they go to China to enjoy themselves?

Bradford City councillor Quasim Khan said, "We were told by the police at the meeting that the original route had not been risk assessed and if we wanted a march to go ahead on that date, St George's Day, we would have to accept a smaller, different route. The police officers were getting quite animated, saying things like 'look, this just isn't going to happen'." Police and council officials said they did not have sufficient warning of the event. Nonsense. Apparently these apparatchiks thought it would cause a race riot. What rubbish!

Are we living in England or in a police state that was once England? We need to get rid of these people before they make our lives more of a misery. This parade was supposed to bring the communities together. Now all it has done is spoil everything for children who were looking forward to dressing up and all the community groups who had planned to stage the multi-cultural event. 1,500 schoolchildren were due to take part. Not now.

Hey kids! The mean old spoilsports ruined your party.

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