Friday, April 18, 2008

Grim monkey business in Gibraltar

It used to be said, and still is probably, that if the apes left Gibraltar, then so too would the British. I'm not sure what that says about Brits but there may be some linkage!

Now, without too much regard for the sensibilities of world opinion or of British historical niceties, the Gibraltarian authorities are planning on a cull of at least 25 monkeys. It seems one pack of truculent apes is being lined up for the execution chamber. Gibraltar's Tourist Minister Ernest Britto, who has issued a license for their culling, says "The decision was not taken lightly. It is a last resort.". Last resort? The whole idea of Gibraltar for many people is that it is a resort with monkeys that act as a symbol of Britisness. Now they are to be given a lethal injection. Sounds a bit like the US Supreme Court's latest decison regarding lethal cocktails has spread to areas further afield.

Franco Ostuni, general manager of the Caleta Hotel, said guests rooms have been vandalized by monkeys scrounging for extra food. Mr.Britto says, "Children are frightened, people cannot leave their windows open for fear of the monkeys stealing, apes can bite and contact with them runs the risk of salmonella or hepatitis." Well, what has been going on for three hundred years? Have 25 monkeys suddenly flipped? Surely the apes have had enough in the way of food before? How come they now want to raid hotel rooms and scare little children? I don't get it.

Apparenty the cull will take time since the monkeys must be lured into cages and then sedated before killing. Tourists going to Gibraltar will see manic monkey catchers running all over the place trying to tempt these beasts into cages. Doesn't sound too good. I'm sure they could just sit back for a moment and ask themselves if the monkeys are getting enough food. I'd get a bit stroppy if my rations dried up and, smelling good tucker in a hotel room, was threatened with extermination for attempting to get at some of it!

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