Wednesday, April 23, 2008

St.George and the New Dragons

Today is St.George's Day. I hope everyone will have a happy day. Of course, that depends if people remember. It is all too easy for the English to forget in their busy lives. After all, its a fairly muted affair. The BBC mentioned the day, but suggested that more people celebrate Guy Fawkes Night than bother with giving St.George much attention. He got the short straw in the patron saint stakes. Some wags have even suggested he didn't exist.

However, as the 21st Century dawned so too did a re-awakening in being English. What is so wrong in being proud of one's heritage, country and culture? Nothing! Everywhere else celebrates and has parties, so why not us?

Today in the Daily Mail, Justice Secretary Jack Straw bemoans the fact that right-wing groups have hijacked the flag. He says we should all be proud of the English flag and St.George's Day. He says they had a great party in Blackburn. Well OK Jack, good on you, but it's not as rosy as you paint the picture. Bradford Council, and their chums down at the police station, got into a hissy fit about it. Some silly talk of riots. And there's more across the country.

If Jack Straw wants England to celebrate England, let him apologise for New Labour. St.George still needs to slay a few dragons. New Labour dragons.

There are three lined up. Political correctness, political dissembling, and political unfairness. All three either pushed or condoned by the apparatchiks of the regime.

Political correctness - nothing correct about it, just political censorship basically.
Political dissembling - most of the Cabinet have taken truth-bending to the boundaries of direct lying.
Political unfairness - England gets the rough end of a devolution dog's dinner! And there's all the rest, like the 10p tax band, the post code lottery, and arbitrarily closing post offices.

St.George still has work to do. England has a good patron saint. We need to give him proper recognition!

See the website of The Royal Society of St.George

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