Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who'd be Barnbrook's partner?

Currently there is much hooha over Richard Barnbrook, BNP London Assembly Member, inviting Nick Griffin to a Buckingham Palace garden party. Boris Johnson is getting excited, so is the Daily Mail. It's seen as an affront to all concerned, not least Her Majesty. However, Barnbrook is an elected politician, so they are on thin ice if the critics don't want to be seen as undemocratic. If I were them, I'd shut up. The Daily Mail keeps saying they don't want any BNP MEPs elected, but they are giving them front page publicity. Now everyone thinks Nick Griffin is to have cucumber sandwiches with the Queen. Of course it's a lot of tosh. Even if he went there, it's hardly likely she'd meet him. Now she'll have to make a special point of avoiding him in case a Mail snapper is on the loose!

Darren Johnson is "Chair" of the London Assembly. He thinks "We cannot tolerate any such abuse of the invitation or any potential embarrassment to Her Majesty. I am therefore writing to call on you to inform Mr Barnbrook - at the earliest opportunity - that he must either bring a guest who will not provoke political controversy, or consider his invitation rescinded." I doubt he will want the latter. So it is bringing a guest that "will not provoke political controversy". Hard to see how that could happen now.

Barnbrook and a local street cleaner? Or maybe an escort? Whoever it is, the person will be questioned at length. A monumental amount of publicity will ensue. I always thought Dacre ran a crackpot outfit!

My suggestion is he takes Susan Boyle with him. Everyone will be swarming over her that not only will Barnbrook be eclipsed, but everyone will forget what they went to the garden party for!

This is a different Garden Party - but still a great one!

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