Friday, May 15, 2009

Sexting is definitely not texting!

I've just come across the term sexting. Sounds as if some clevercloggs thought this a good pun on the word texting. In fact is has nothing much to do with sex, more the base instincts of human emotion with regard to hatred, envy and malice. Jessica Logan spent 18 years on this earth before hanging herself. Why? Because she was the target of silly mean kids who didn't have a clue about responsibility or kindness or anything in particular. They thought it would be fun to send a nude photo of her to hundreds of other teenagers. It was not fun and she ended up being called a "slut", "porn queen" and "whore". Insults were posted on her MySpace and Facebook pages.

The doctrine of original sin is poo-pooed by a great many people. The Christian Church has always taught that we are born into sin and have to be redeemed. If anything represents the fabric of original sin better than the mean art of sexting, than I'd be pleased to know.

Apparently one in five US teenagers has admitted to sexting. This is a very high number indeed. However, the problem is not corrected by some self-righteous prosecutor looking for brownie points attempting to have gullible and impressionable teenagers arrested on charges of child pornography. The proper course of action is for these teenagers to be confronted by their cruelty to others and for it to be stated in no uncertain terms that such deeds lead to tit-for-tat. The perpetrators could end up being the victims.

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