Monday, March 23, 2009

Ron Paul on the AIG bonuses

Here's Ron Paul talking to CNN about the AIG bonuses. What gets me is the way these presenters keep asking him questions as if he's a bit odd and the system is just having a temporary blip. Why don't they get to grill some of these quacks in Congress that seem to think money grows on trees?

What we have now is legalised crooks being bailed out and the illegal crooks (some kind of oxymoron, I know!) get to go to jail. What's the difference between Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers and the ponzi crook, Bernie Madoff? Not a lot, I say.

How come it's OK to bundle up cash into so-called "investment vehicles" and get these vehicles to run around town on a heady high octane gas, crash them into a wall and then find out the vehicle is made of recycled toilet paper. There never was proper money in some cases. However, we are constantly being told we can't let the banks go bust. Why ever not? They are bust now. We are just pouring money into old coffers.

The Bible tells us you can't put new wine into old skins. So why are most Western governments doing just that?

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