Friday, March 27, 2009

Gay days and depressing nights

A hotel owning couple who are Christians are in trouble from a gay couple who wanted to stay at the hotel. The owners, Peter and Hazelmary Bull, have had a policy in place ever since they took over the business in 1986, and is founded on their strong Christian beliefs. Basically nobody gets in unless they are married - staying the night that is. In 1986 no-one would have batted an eyelid at this, but times change, as they say.

So a gay couple, Martyn Hall and his civil partner Steven Preddy, decided that this was just the hotel for them. However, they were shocked to hear that their lifestyle was incompatible with the hotel's policy. So a lawsuit is being lodged. They are claiming £5,000 in damages, alleging 'direct discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation'.

New Labour was keen to get the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2007 into law. However, it is one which has all the hallmarks of a "winner takes all" approach. When the act was being discussed it was claimed that homosexuals had a very wide choice of hotels where no such policy would be maintained. A single hotel run by Christians had very little choice other than to say yes or no.

I think that this act has encouraged homosexuals to target Christian establishments in order to "prove" the law. And I think that both sides have rights, as they say. However, if I were in Mr & Mrs Bull's shoes, I wouldn't bother too much. After all, they are not sinning by letting rooms to unmarried couples, for they don't know if such couples spend a night of chaste quietness or rampant indulgence. It was Basil Fawlty who had such a terrible time stamping out illicit goings on in Fawlty Towers!

Mrs.Bull is quite clear where she stands. "I have had people clearly involved in affairs and under-age people who have tried to book in here for sex, and I have refused them the same as I refused these gentlemen because I won't be a party to anything which is an affront to my faith under my roof." Well, well. I've had quite a lot that's been an "affront to my faith" and it's come from within the Church as well as without, but I don't think I should be getting too upset by it all. It's not as though Mr and Mrs Bull are involved in any sexual misconduct themselves, so they should have no problems with their consciences.

Mrs.Bull would be better off considering the "judge not lest ye be judged" text. I feel she can still have her faith, practice it and let out rooms to all and sundry.

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