Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ron Paul says "There's not a whole lot of democracy in this country!"

Ron Paul speaks to Glenn Beck about the future. No third run, but a great description of the mess that the cosy relationship between the Fed and the Bankers has got us into.

Is America a democratic country? Well, free speech is allowed, but trying to put your views into action, well that's another matter. Why is it so damn difficult to get on a ballot in the USA? Why is voting registration such a mess? Why are the primaries/caucuses increasingly being seen as a banana republic's system? Can Americans be so cool, calm and collected about having the expression of their democratic rights traduced in such a way?

All Ron Paul has done in this campaign is to highlight the banality of the American monetary policy and the lack of democratic accountability. For just doing that, he has been marginalised and almost ostracised!

America may be the Land of the Free but it sure isn't the Land of Democracy!

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