Sunday, March 30, 2008

States rights? Some think they're wronged!

When 9/11 happened, the world went into shock. It was a terrible crime. Something had to be done, of course. But was G.W.Bush the right person in the right place at the right time? Americans now are being vetted, checked, spied on, and processed as if they were chickens lined up for Colonel Sanders!

This REAL ID is nothing short of a way for the state to keep tabs on everyone. "MR JOHNSON OF ATLANTIC CITY!! WE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE!!" How wretched! Is this a true and proper response to a rag-headed, gun-totting caveman's demonic actions? I don't think so.

Some states are up in arms about it. REAL ID is a controversial post-9/11 law that aims to make drivers' licenses more secure. Nearly all states are opposed to the Department of Homeland Security's requirements, which set Monday as the deadline for them to get an extension for implementing REAL ID. Miss this deadline, DHS warned resistant states, and come May, residents won't be allowed to board planes with their current driver's licenses. A sort of blackmail. Now the DHS appears to have backed down for a while.

This sorry saga begs a couple of questions. First, how much rule from Washington can the states take? This seems to have ignited old memories! Second, if this REAL ID programme is costing $3.9 billion, who is getting the cash? Surely not the license printers!?!

I think the people of America have taken enough over recent years, but being computerised for a number cruncher's delight is something they may want to resist. I notice John McCain is in favour of this Act. Those who are in favour say "If you've nothing to hide, then you've nothing to fear!". Sounds good, doesn't it? But wasn't McCain just a bit put out when he was told his passport details had been accessed?

Nothing convinces me that governments anywhere can justify so much intrusion into a person's life. I'm all for security but this is not security. It is interference!

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