Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Boris, Ken and Uncle Tom Cobley handicap stakes

Boris Johnson is a Conservative who has broken quite a few moulds. Ken Livingstone is a socialist who has cracked many moulds. This mayoral contest in London seems more about personalities than about policies. Is Boris bananas, bohemian or brilliant? Is he all three? Much is written about his perceived character, but not so much on his political ideas. Red Ken, Cheeky Ken, or just plain KEN! is a man living on the edge. Tony Blair tried the full-frontal Caesar attack, then aped Brutus, but still Ken stood standing. I think Londoners would have a fit if the mayor was boring. Nothing to talk about in the offices or cafes or bars.

The others in the contest are equally flamboyant, controversial, or mould-crackingly suitable. The Liberal Democrats have an openly gay ex-police chief in Brian Paddick, the Greens have Sian Berry (who is encouraging "EU citizens" to vote). Respect has disrespectfully split and is in two parts, one with Lindsey German as a Left List entrant and the other called Respect Renewal (not standing). UKIP is flying the flag with Gerard Batten, the BNP has its London leader in Richard Barnbrook, and the English Democrats have picked ex-rooftop protester Matt O'Connor. Added to them is Alan Craig of the Christian Peoples Alliance and Damian Hockney of One London.

Ten politicians hanging on the wall, or will it be sitting on the fence? Either way, this is probably the most mixed bunch of candidates any electoral contest in the British Isles has seen. And it has just five weeks to run!

In the late entrants enclosure is John Flunder of the Senior Citizens Party, Dennis Delderfield who has announced he would stand for the New Britain Party, and Chris Prior from the Stop Congestion Charging Party.

And them to the mix and you get a baker's dozen! Happing voting, London!

London Elects!

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