Wednesday, March 17, 2010

British boy found in Pakistan

Yesterday the BBC was leading with the story that Sahil Saeed had been found in Pakistan. This little boy was abducted by people seemingly bent on making money. He is just an innocent pawn in the machinations of adults.

Firstly, I thought the BBC overdid their political correctness by emphasising that Sahil was a "British boy", as if to ram home to any half-witted incorrect persons they must repeat the mantra. I googled British Boy and the BBC's lead in all this has come up trumps. Sahil is top of the list! I would have thought just describing him as a little boy from Oldham would have sufficed, but then I'm not as mind-bent as the BBC is currently. The Today Programme repeated "British Boy" in rather the same manner as the "Winslow Boy". We all had to know who he was and what he was.

Then there was the David Miliband contribution. The Foreign Office is, as Enoch Powell once described it, a nest of vipers. The media is in a spin about ransom money. Talk of £100,000 being paid for Sahil's release. If I was betting on this, I'd say it is more likely than not that some cash was paid. Pakistan is presently a state populated by bandits and rogues. Decent people live in fear of the crooks and crazies. Miliband pompously states that Britain doesn't pay ransom money. Yes and no is the answer here, I think.

Sahil went to visit his grandmother and got caught up in intrigue and plots. Thankfully, he has come to no harm. Interestingly the yacht couple in Somalia are having no such luck. Of course, Miliband is involved in their case. But I am letting my fevered brow think that doing deals in Pakistan may get some brownie points later on, whereas giving a gun-toting Somali pirate even a measly penny is too much. No oil, no gas, no mileage in Somalia worth contemplating. Pakistan is different.

The capture and release of Sahil Saeed tells us far more about the politics of the world. And the plot thickens by moving to Spain. When Sahil grows up, I hope he is able to be a fantastic influence on the world because we certainly need to sort out a few things adults are getting wrong.

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