Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tories get legalistic in Henley

Is it a case of David Cameron huffing and puffing and trying to blow down the LibDems' house in Henley? In most by-elections where the Conservatives are defending a seat, the LibDems come up with all kinds of poetic licence. Falsehoods are par for the course. This time they have suggested two things. First that Boris Johnson, now succumbed in the penthouse suite of the Greater London Assembly as Mayor of the Metropolis, has a penchant for the LibDem policies and is keen on their candidate! Far-fetched, I'd say.

Second, they claim the Conservative candidate is less than supportive about community hospitals. The Tories are angry about claims in a Lib Dem leaflet that the Tory candidate John Howell watched the campaign to save Townlands community hospital in Henley "from the sidelines," when they say he was involved in it. That's one thing. They should have said he supported it and left it there. However threatening to sue the LibDems makes the whole issue far bigger than it ought to be.

Electorate's do not like sour grapes or bad losers. The Conservatives should have just countered the claim as is usual in a by-election. This has made the LibDems out to be the campaigners rather than the Tories.

Own goal with golden boots on, I'm afraid! They'd be far better off talking up the Real Opposition, the two young women from Beauties for Britain Party. Now Boris could have meant them!

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