Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What did Della wear to the Tea Party?

The conservative Tea Party movement has won several victories over mainstream US Republicans in primary contests ahead of November's mid-term elections. In Delaware Tea Party-backed Christine O'Donnell beat veteran Congressman Mike Castle for the Senate nomination. Ms O'Donnell seems a cheery wonder, all low taxes and little league government. Whether she will make it all the way to the Senate is something else (memories of Eddie Cochran?).

I have my doubts about the Tea Party. Probably in the same way as the British did in Boston all those years ago. They sound patriotic in a kind of airhead way. If ever they are let loose as a governing group in charge of the American way of life then prepare to run for the hills. I don't think they have much of a clue. I'm a conservative, but these people make me look like a pansy liberal. But then I'd say true conservatism was about conserving the best rather than weeding out the roses with ragwort.

Tea Party ideas with their emphasis on tax slashing and federal job cuts sounds neat and dandy until one realises that the entire American edifice is built on a federal empire. Taking a sledgehammer to the foundations won't work. The USA, like Britain and others, has exported jobs. In addition, the US has the dollar as a reserve currency. The Tea Party thinks it is on its way to demolishing the federal empire to put American back into the hands of "We, the People". If they don't step back a bit and think, all they will do is just puncture the balloon that is puffed up by the fractional reserve banking system that gives succour to their perceived enemy.

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