Sunday, July 11, 2010

Women bishops and Anglican Catholics

praying for a miracle!So the dust has yet to settle. I didn't think there was much of a bang to start with. The liberal tendency in the Church of England has got its way. Or as Andrew Brown says in the Guardian, "The triumph of Anglican women". Those like him have little sympathy, or empathy even, for the Anglican Catholic that hasn't gone to the lobotomy clinic. We are seen as all manner of things most of which are fairly unpleasant. I've always thought there was something very illiberal about liberals. It's not as if traditionalists were trying to stop women being bishops!

If it all goes through as is, Catholics in the Church of England will face (if they stay) a female prelate trying to impose her will on a parish that has no wish to be other than faithful to the catholic beliefs that have always been believed. She may or may not be helpful. She may or may not be nice. But I am absolutely sure she will not stop at doing nothing! They wanted absolute obedience to the new doctrine. Of course, they can't get it because this is something we cannot give them. It is this that the liberals, be they secular or of the church, won't tolerate.

The flying bishop scheme, the Provincial Episcopal Visitor arrangement, will go. So will the Act of Synod. Churches who have opted to take advantage of the act will be left with no legal protection. A female prelate could block a new priest's appointment or just be plain difficult. She could, quite legally, force her way in to be present at a mass or any other service. It happened with considerable frequency in the USA. Most traditionalist parishes there have either been successfully sued or subdued. It takes a special type of priest to maintain the faith.

We were told at Mass this morning not to worry too much. I won't then. Our mass sheet tells us to be "worthy ambassadors of the Catholic Faith". Hard going in the Church of England. Perhaps Rowan Williams will get a message in a dream tonight?

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