Sunday, April 24, 2011

Guantanamo files (skandal)

The New York Times
Sun, April 24, 2011 -- 8:48 PM ET

Classified Military Files Offer New Insights About Guant疣amo Detainees

A trove of more than 700 classified military documents
provides new and detailed accounts of the men who have done
time at the Guant疣amo Bay prison in Cuba, and offers new
insight into the evidence against the 172 men still locked up
there. Military intelligence officials, in assessments of
detainees written between February 2002 and January 2009,
evaluated their histories and provided glimpses of the
tensions between captors and captives. What began as a
jury-rigged experiment after the 2001 terrorist attacks now
seems like an enduring American institution, and the leaked
files show why, by laying bare the patchwork and
contradictory evidence that in many cases would never have
stood up in criminal court or a military tribunal.
Guantanamo files:

USA frigav dussintals "högriskfångar" från Guantanmobasen på Kuba, men lät över 150 oskyldiga sitta kvar i åratal. Det visar dokument med detaljerade uppgifter om alla de 779 män som passerat genom fånglägret sedan 2002. Handlingarna har läckts till Wikileaks som gjort dem tillgängliga för en utvald grupp medier i USA och Europa. /SvD

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